Kitchen Décor Trends for the Festive Season



Is home where the kitchen is? The kitchen is often considered to be the most important part of a house as it is not only used for cooking and serving food but also interacting with family and socialising with friends. Hence it is only natural for homeowners to make every effort to ensure that their kitchen is designed in accordance with the latest trends and is extremely presentable. Discussed below are the latest kitchen decor trends that have gained much popularity for enhancing the look and appeal of this space, which is often referred to as the heart of the house.

Dual Tone with Bold Colours

When it comes to choosing the best colour scheme for the kitchen, most homeowners prefer the dual tone look over the all-white one. Colours that are bold and opposing in intensities create an impressive and elegant look by ensuring visually appealing levels of contrast. The most common colour combinations are as follows:

  •    Black and white
  •    Ebony and white
  •    Dark charcoal grey with lighter pearl grey
  •    Dark charcoal grey with white
  •    Black and grey
  •    Black, grey, and white

dual tone

Add the Natural Green Effect

Growing the herbs and spices used in everyday cooking in small pots placed in an organised manner within the kitchen is also a trend that is becoming increasingly popular. This not only provides homeowners easy access to fresh herbs and condiments but also adds natural greenery to space, making it more appealing and healthier. Depending on the space available to them, homeowners may also opt for ornamental or flowering plants to enhance the beauty of their kitchen.


Invest in Smart Appliances

Appliances and gadgets form an integral part of a modern day kitchen and investing in the right ones is the key to maintaining the neat and sophisticated look of the space. It is advisable for homeowners to replace their old gadgets with new smarter ones. These new appliances are not only more energy efficient but are designed to gel in with almost any type of decor. Also, they also help in saving valuable space thanks to their innovative design and structure, which further helps in minimising the clutter.

smart appliances

Go for High-Quality Storage Solutions  

Opting for high-quality storage solutions that are both stylish and practical is becoming a preferred kitchen decor trend. Homeowners like the concept of appliances fitted into kitchen walls at counter height for easy accessibility and usage. The concept of drawers with deep pockets, stackable trays, and removable boxes is also catching up fast amongst home owners. This not only offers greater flexibility regarding usage of storage space but also enhances the convenience for users in terms of being easily accessible and more ergonomic.


Quartz Countertops for Better Durability

Quartz is surpassing the popularity of granite by a significant margin in terms of style and durability of the countertops. Being an extremely tough material that is also resistant to scratching, chipping and burning, using Quartz countertops has become a popular kitchen decor trend. The additional advantage of easy maintenance has further enhanced the popularity of this natural stone as a choice for beautiful and elegant looking countertops.


Don’t Neglect the Floor

Choosing the right decor for the kitchen floor is equally important to enhance the overall look and appeal of the space. However, rather than using old subway tiles, the trend of more decorative and colourful tiles is rapidly taking over. In places where maintenance is not an issue, use of hardwood flooring in the kitchen is also quite common, which adds a unique appeal and style to the overall decor of the kitchen.


Light Up the Place

Using the right kind and amount of lighting is also an important kitchen decor trend. The choice of lighting ensures that the beauty and appeal of the space are accentuated. While the trend of using colourful lighting is fading away, the use of LED bulbs of small wattage is becoming increasingly popular. These bulbs, placed at a strategic position throughout the kitchen, are the key to getting that awesome look.  


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