How to make your pet feel at home?

Nisha Achuthan

There’s nothing like coming home to the love of a pet. As pet owners, it is our responsibility to take care of our pets and make them feel safe and cared for in our home. So before bringing a pet home, ensure your home is comfortable and secure for them. Here are a few pointers to get you started.

Dedicate space

Make them feel at home with a dedicated space in your home for your pets. Set up their beds and feeding bowls in a cosy corner that they can consider their own. For bird cages or aquariums, find a stable surface that won’t wobble.

Keep electrical wires short

Kittens love to chase strings of wool but don’t let them play the same game with cables and cords. Pets can get hurt or strangle themselves accidentally. Ensure that you keep wires short and away from their reach.

Keep hazards away

Clear choking hazards like small figurines or plastic items, medicines, rat poison, cockroach repellent, and other forms of toxins from areas that are accessible by your pet.

Keep chemicals away

Cleaning solutions like phenyl, disinfectants, bug sprays, detergents, perfumes, room fresheners are a strict no-no if you want to ensure the safety of your pet.

Put a lid on the garbage

Sometimes, pets can find garbage irresistible. However, components from your garbage can poison or hurt your pet. Ensure that you use garbage cans with sturdy lids that can’t be opened by the little troublemakers.

Cordon off plants

While plants provide a feeling of freshness to the home, some of them could be toxic to your pet. Do some research on the plants that you must keep away from your pets. In general, it is a good idea to put up barricades around the plants so that pets can’t get into trouble.

Block toilets

Your dog or cat may not see the difference between their water bowl and the toilet. Keep them away from bathrooms and toilets by keeping the doors closed.

Minimize carpeting

Carpets and pets do not match. From pet dander to potty training accidents, carpets can end up being under constant threat of being messed up. Ideally, minimize carpeted areas once you get a pet.

Mesh on banisters and grills

Don’t let curiosity get your pet in trouble. Cover up banister gaps or spaces between grills with netting or mesh so that paws and heads don’t go through.


Glossy flooring can be irritating to your pet. Imagine having to skid around all day, unable to properly grip the floor. Try to ensure your home has anti-skid flooring for most part if not everywhere.

Pets deserve as much consideration and care as the human members of the family. Happy pets make for happy homes!

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